Polish poetry

Let’s rush to love people, they all leave so fast
their shoes and deaf phones being left behind
the irrelevant only follows like a cow
the most important is fast and even abrupt
what comes next is silence, normal and unbearable
like purity, easily borne of despair
when we think of someone we are left without
Don’t be sure you’ve got time, certainty is not sure
it reduces our sensitivity, just like happiness does
it comes simultaneously, like pathos and humour
like two passions along, still weaker than one
leaving so fast, like a mockingbird they turn mute in July
like an awkward sound or a dry bow
in order to see, they close their eyes
though to be born is more risky than to die
we love too little and always too late
do not write about it often but always forever
and like a dolphin you’ll be tender and strong
Let’s rush to love people, they all leave so fast
and those who don’t leave won’t always return
and you never know when you talk about love
if the first is the last or the last the first
(Jan Twardowski, Let’s rush)
[Translated by Wojciech Graniczewski and Robin Gill]
I found these beautiful verses in the book “Polish Culture”, a material distributed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland.
Written by Gigi Eco
Gigi Eco ama aprender e faz muitas coisas ao mesmo tempo - é jornalista, fotógrafa, professora, rata de biblioteca e musicista por acidente. Ama viajar e é viciada em chás. É a escritora oficial dos cartões de Natal da família. É Doutora em Comunicação e Linguagens pela Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná (UTP) e atualmente trabalha no seu primeiro livro de poesias.