One hour

Their last hour. He was going to Russia and she would stay at same place she always had been. They were at the airport, enjoying their last sixty minutes, talking about their relationship, talking about how their lives were at that time and how their lives would be at the future. He always was a calm person, living peacefully. But now he was in a hurry. He had to know the world, got drunk and got crazy before he got old. He wanted to live his days like each one was the last. And she, a girl that was always running, now was stopped. And she didn’t know how to start the movement again. She was looking at two ways and didn’t know each one she would choose. The roles had changed. He was running while she was stopped. She always thought that she controlled her time. But now she was sure that one hour wasn’t enough to tell him how important he was for her life. He thought that one hour was almost an eternity. One hour. Sixty minutes. Three thousand six hundred seconds. He was sure that one hour was enough to tell her that he’d always loved her. So they ate sandwiches. They remembered old stories. They cried. And then, at the last minute, she said goodbye. But he didn’t. He didn’t believe in goodbyes. There were no endings. Just new beginnings. He kissed her and said: “We saved the last and first hour of the rest of our lives. Let’s start all over again”. And he was gone.
Written by Gigi Eco
Gigi Eco ama aprender e faz muitas coisas ao mesmo tempo - é jornalista, fotógrafa, professora, rata de biblioteca e musicista por acidente. Ama viajar e é viciada em chás. É a escritora oficial dos cartões de Natal da família. É Doutora em Comunicação e Linguagens pela Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná (UTP) e atualmente trabalha no seu primeiro livro de poesias.