Enchanted Polish Sky – part 2 (english version)


Polish trees, especially at the time when I visited the country (late September and early October), are special. From a vibrant yellow. It is the Polish golden autumn. We saw many trees on the road. We also know the ruins of the castle of King Casimir, a city with a square full of living statues. We take the first Polish coffee, Caffa.

Next stop: Lublin. Eastern Poland. John Winiarski hometown. The historic center is charming. Streets of ancient stone. Restaurants. An ancient theater. A bridge – only access to the castle. The same pathways. The same pathways by which my great-grandfather walked 90 years ago.

We also visited the Museum of Concentration Majdank. Five tons of human ashes in a large lot, which is equivalent to 400 thousand victims. Poland is this: in the middle of golden and joy arise marks of the war.

Auschwitz. Just see the gate with the German inscription Arbeit macht frei, meaning ‘free labor’, and a shiver runs through the body. A gray mist stubbornly remain in place. The weather does not erase the past. Auschwitz is loaded with blood. Death. Madness. Always will be.

We see how the Polish people is stronger when we went to other cities and watched how they fought to preserve their customs and the memory of their ancestors. One example is the city of medicinal waters – Iwonicz Zdrój. The baths are one of the oldest in Poland. According to the legend of the city, a sick cow fell in these waters. In summer, there are concerts in the park every day. The greatest asset of the city is an oak tree of 100 years.

Written by Gigi Eco
Gigi Eco ama aprender e faz muitas coisas ao mesmo tempo - é jornalista, fotógrafa, professora, rata de biblioteca e musicista por acidente. Ama viajar e é viciada em chás. É a escritora oficial dos cartões de Natal da família. É Doutora em Comunicação e Linguagens pela Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná (UTP) e atualmente trabalha no seu primeiro livro de poesias.